The Ranking Season 9 icon confused gamers
After the glorious Aatrox Glory debut that made players redesign the skin themselves, this time Riot Games continued to stir the public opinion of the League of Legends gamers community when it launched the hero icon set. is the Season 9 Ranking reward with a promising image that will make all players look at it and have decided to drop the rank to fight and no longer believe in the aesthetic eyes of this League of Legends giant.
At 0h on November 19, League of Legends Season 9 will close and what most players are expecting is the Ranking, however, with announcements from costumes to hero icons like this, then many players will feel overwhelmed disappointment.
At 0h on November 19, League of Legends Season 9 will close and what most players are expecting is the Ranking, however, with announcements from costumes to hero icons like this, then many players will feel overwhelmed disappointment.
The hero symbol is a Season 9 Ranking reward
Iron Union

Dong Doan

Bo Doan

Gold Union



Cao Thu

Dai Cao Thu


After the arrival of this heroic icon set, perhaps the Season 9 Ranking rewards will be favored by the gaming community for the entire bad and probably the worst award in the history of League of Legends. Phone. I thought maybe because Riot Games was celebrating the 10th anniversary of the game launch, so I decided once to play a big game to see gamers admire, designing a reward combo, though not beautiful but surely the public will have to. gossip about it enthusiastically and hurriedly from here to maybe many more seasons later. Truly a tactic that goes into people's hearts